




東京・ベルリン友好都市提携20周年記念 ベルリン市副市長の来日
Mayor of Berlin visits Tokyo on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Tokyo-Berlin friendship city affiliation

 平成26(2014)年5月14日(水曜)、舛添知事は、2014年が東京都とベルリン市の友好都市提携20周年にあたることを記念して来日し、都庁を訪れたミヒャエル・ミュラー ベルリン市副市長と面会しました。


On Wednesday, May 14, Governor Yoichi Masuzoe met with Mayor Michael Muller of Berlin at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office. Mayor Muller was in Tokyo to attend events commemorating the 20th anniversary of the friendship city relationship between Tokyo and Berlin.

The governor welcomed the mayor, saying, “Just 20 years ago today, on May 14, the friendship city agreement between our two cities was signed by the then governor of Tokyo and governing mayor of Berlin. This makes today the auspicious 20th anniversary of this relationship. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our city on this very special day.”

Following the meeting, Governor Masuzoe participated in the opening ceremony of the Tokyo-Berlin Panel Exhibition. He greeted the guests, saying, “Tokyo will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020. I look forward to seeing many outstanding athletes and many spectators from Berlin and other parts of Germany. We will welcome you with the best hospitality we can offer. Also, I will give my full cooperation to ensuring that this milestone serves as an opportunity to further strengthen bonds between Tokyo and Berlin and deepen exchanges between our two cities.”

The Tokyo-Berlin Panel Exhibition will be held through Saturday, May 24 at the South Observation Deck on the 45th floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No. 1.

(*Berlin has a Governing Mayor who represents the city externally, and two Mayors who are appointed by the Governing Mayor to serve as his/her deputies.)



