




IOC/Tokyo 2020オリエンテーションセミナー
IOC/Tokyo 2020 orientation seminar

 平成25(2013)年11月14日(木曜)と15日(金曜)の2日間、公益財団法人日本オリンピック委員会(JOC)と東京都は、国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)と合同で、「IOC/Tokyo 2020オリエンテーションセミナー」を開催しています。このセミナーでは、2020年のオリンピック・パラリンピック開催に向けて、IOCによるオリエンテーションや東京2020のプレゼンテーション、質疑応答などが行われます。

The IOC/Tokyo 2020 orientation seminar opened on Thursday, November 14, in preparation for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. Jointly held by the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC), the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the International Olympic Committee, the two-day meeting will have an orientation by IOC officials, a presentation by Tokyo 2020 and a question and answer session.

In his opening address at the Ajinomoto National Training Center on Thursday morning, Governor Inose said that “I still remember the great thrill and joy that welled up inside me the moment President Rogge said ‘Tokyo’ in Buenos Aires. We have entered the second stage, moving from the bid to preparations. I now feel a renewed sense of responsibility as the leader of the host city. We swiftly launched a Tokyo Metropolitan Government-wide Olympic Games Preparation Council, and started efforts to ensure a successful Games, including development of the event venues. Also, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly has adopted a resolution for the Games’ success, meaning that the metropolitan government is united in its efforts for the Games. By concentrating the strengths of the people of Tokyo and Japan, we will continue to push forward under a system that encompasses all sectors of Japan to make the 2020 Games the best ever.”


