




「未来(あした)への道 1000km縦断リレー」に参加
Governor Inose participates in the Discover Tomorrow 1000km Relay to TOKYO

 2020年オリンピック・パラリンピック開催都市決定まで、ちょうど1か月となる本日、平成25(2013)年8月7日(水曜)猪瀬知事は、東日本大震災の被災した地域をたすきで繋ぐ「未来(あした)への道 1000km縦断リレー」に参加しました。

Today, just one month before the September 7 selection of the host city for the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Governor Inose participated in the Discover Tomorrow 1000km Relay to TOKYO, a relay that started in Aomori Prefecture in end July and passed through areas of the Tohoku region hit by the 2011 earthquake.

The governor ran the final leg of the relay, the 1.5 km from Ariake to the Symbol Promenade Park in Tokyo’s waterfront area, and crossed the finish line along with about 100 citizen runners.

Following his run, the governor made a strong appeal to those who had gathered for the event saying, “Today, many runners, and many cyclists as well, came together to complete this 1000km relay. If Tokyo wins the bid for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, I hope to have the Olympic torchbearers run through the areas that were affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. There is only one month left to go until the IOC Session in Buenos Aires on September 7. Let’s definitely bring the 2020 Games to Tokyo and to Japan. This needs your strong support. Please give your support in a way that can be heard all the way to Buenos Aires.”
